Author Topic: iPod Video  (Read 1832 times)

Offline LibertyPatriot

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iPod Video
« on: 03/21/07 - 12:35PM »
I finally found a product that will let you convert purchased DVD movies to mpeg4 for uploading to a video iPod.
It's called 123 Movies 2 iPod

I found it at Staples for $39.99 and it came with the A/V cable to play your iPod on a TV that has the RCA inputs.  I haven't tried that yet, as I've not opened the box.  I first downloaded the free evaluation version from the website and am using that first to make sure I have no complications so I can return the unopened box to Staples if I do.  So far everything has worked.  I've tried 3 feature length DVD's and a SNL Best Of DVD.  Also a DVD of music videos that came with a CD that we bought.  All worked.

You can use a couple of different modes to convert.  A Simple mode that automatically selects the most likely file that is the correct video and audio track, or an Advanced mode that lets you select what files you want converted and a Batch mode that you can select several video files to convert from a folder.  I've only tried the Simple mode.  This essentially strips all of the commentary and out takes videos and only converts the actual movie.  Another selection lets you choose chapters or episodes of say a DVD of a season of TV shows.  I'd like to get some Seinfeld DVD's and put my favorite episodes on our iPod.  When you convert to mpeg4 it automatically loads into you iTunes library for easy management on your PC.  I say PC since this only works on a Win2000/XP system.

Anyway, thought I'd give a heads up if anyone else was wanting/ looking for a product like this.  I had tried another brand from Best Buy that would only let you convert movies you had created yourself, but not encrypted DVD's you buy.  This program is basically just creating a backup copy of your already purchased movies and DVD's for your own viewing.  There is not a lot of info on the net about this program yet, so I would bet in won't be available for long.

I'd put something funny here, but you probably wouldn't get it anyway...

Offline Care Bear

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Re: iPod Video
« Reply #1 on: 03/26/07 - 10:19AM »
Thank you Mr. Electronics Genius.  I appreciate the information.  So, when I have time to turn on my television and eventually learn to download stuff onto my Ipod and can figure out how to hook up everything with out the 8 year old down the street I will know which program to get.  :confused:  I am kidding.  I am jealous of all of you computer and electronics gurus!
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